The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.

Yes, i do agree with this article. Not only is Riley, the author, one of my good friends, but we also have very similar views. I am also someone that most consider "tall" which equals having a harder time finding dresses and shorts that many consider appropriate, yet on me are "too short." I'm not trying to show off my butt, i'm trying to express myself and the things i like through my clothing. Also, might I add if I ever do have my butt or boobs hang out it's ever an intentional thing, i personally find that uncomfortable, but it just happens that that moment in time my clothing is riding up or whatever, and i'm not 5 i can fix that without being told. I'm not someone that takes offense to many things, i'm pretty accepting and enjoy various types of people, but when it comes to the SAME teacher who might i add I have NEVER EVEN HAD consistently death glares me and every other day decides to comment on my "inappropriate" clothing it kind of turns personal and annoying. Fashion is what i'm going to college for next year, and therefore is something am passionate about so yes i have a more edgy style that some may jokingly consider "goth" but honestly i really don't care, i wear what i wear because it's what i like and personally i find it to be something that describes me. So yes i understand why the dress code was put in place to avoid "too much" skin that people don't want to see, but when the cheerleader show up with skirts so short you can obviously see their spandex, i don't think i should be getting in trouble for a half a centimeter of "mid-drift" which lets be honest isn't even a word anymore or because my shorts that completely cover my butt don't reach my thumbs going half way down my legs. All in all i don;t really care that much because in the retrospect of life it isn't a big deal/ i'm leaving for college next year but i do think that it does take away from self-expression and can be demeaning.