What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!
Over the weekend I went to D.C. to see family and go to a birthday party. My dad's whole family, minus is brother, lives in D.C. so we go there about 5 times a year. We went to really good restaurants, one of them was the old Ebbitt Grill, which is where many celebrities and Obama go to when they're in town, but sadly we didn't see anyone famous, i was hoping for the Kardashians, but my dad was hoping for the opposite and got his wish. We went to his best friends birthday party at Washington Golf, a famous golf club in D.C., and saw a lot of friends from when he was growing up and from college which was cool. I went shopping, of course, at Tyson's which is one of the nicest and chicest malls ever, except it didn't have Brady Melville which was pretty lame,but that's okay because Urban, Free People, and Bloomingdale's. I saw Dirty Dancing in the National Theater, it was pretty good but the acting could have been better. Overall i was a god trip, especially since i finally got the sunglasses I've been wanting.

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